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What is NPS?

Net Promoter Score (NPS), is a customer experience and satisfaction metric widely adopted around the world, and it’s based on one question.

Why Customer Radar?

Every day, we look through the feedback, and if there are any complaints, we do something about it as soon as possible.

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Find out how Customer Radar has enabled customer-centric businesses to grow.

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Check out our blogs on how to get and retain more happy customers.


Customer Radar makes it easy to Capture, Action and Amplify feedback.

The Customer Radar platform can stand alone, plugin, or integrate into your existing CRM, database or management software.

It is designed to make it easy to get started and add the features you need as you grow.

Learn More


Capture Feedback
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Fast Easy Feedback

Make it easy to hear from your customers

Your customers don’t have to spend their time filling out long surveys to give you all the feedback you need.

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Ask The Right Question At The Right Time

Know what your customers think anytime.

With the right question, asked at the right time, you'll gain real insight that you can use and act on.


Net Promoter Score

Measure Customer Experience anytime

Track your NPS to you see what your customers think across any area of your business.

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Get feedback via Multiple Touchpoints

Get feedback through one or more channels to suit your business

Ask customers for feedback at the right time using the right channel for your business. Invite customers to give feedback via email, text message, online, QR code, eReceipts, in your app or other touchpoints that suit your business.


Customized Feedback Programme

Your brand your look

Have your feedback programme reflect the tone, look and feel that you want. Choose from multiple rating scales and feedback styles including stars, smiley faces, slider bars, and customize that works for you.

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Unlimited Feedback

Get as much feedback as you want

We don't limit how much feedback you get or charge any more. We want you to gather as much feedback as you want.

Action Feedback
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Never Lose an Unhappy Customer

Alerts, reminders, and escalations

Make sure every issue is solved quickly, and every customer is happy. Get email alerts whenever a customer gives your business feedback. You can also set reminders to follow up and escalate any feedback that has not been actioned.


Real-time Trend Spotting

Live updates on trends

See live trends and quickly identify what’s working – and what’s not. Comment groups and word clouds detect keywords and phrases customers use to talk about your business. These words and phrases are grouped and analysed instantly showing you what your customers are talking about the most, what they like and where you can improve.

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Close the Loop on Feedback

Multi-function dashboard

Communicate directly and privately with your customers from within your dashboard. Team members, with permission, can also reply to customers – leaving internal notes and closing feedback tickets to show the feedback loop has been resolved and closed.

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Know where to focus your attention

Compare areas of your business and see where you need to focus your attention. Track changes in your Net Promoter Score, and compare different stores, business units, team members, days of the week, or even times of the day.


Unlimited Users

Get everyone on the page

From your frontline team to the CEO – get everyone on the same page. We don’t limit how many of your team can access the dashboard. That’s up to you.


Tailored User Roles and Permissions

Empower your team to think like a customer

With permission-based rules, you can give as many users access to your customer feedback as you want. You can give them view-only access or empower them to fully manage and engage with customer feedback.

Amplify Feedback

Grow your Google Reviews

Continuously improve the volume and quality of your Google Reviews

Invite your customers to post online reviews after they give feedback. Helping you to build your reputation and ensuring that your online reviews give a more accurate representation of your customer experience.


Share Feedback on your Website

Boost your online reputation as you go

Select the feedback you want to share on your website as customer reviews. Share to your brand website, each location’s website or both.


Live-stream Feedback

Keep the voice of your customer at the centre of your business

Live-stream customer feedback on any screen to make it easy to share with your teams and keep customer feedback at the center of your business every day.


Connect more Data to your Feedback

Provide more personalized service recovery and richer insights.

By connecting customer data and transaction data to the feedback your customers give you, you’ll gather more actionable insight, as well as enable a more personalised experience when managing customer issues.

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‘Tell Me More’ Surveys

Expand your feedback

After your customer has given feedback you can ask them to answer a few more survey questions via a follow-up survey, it’s completely optional. By keeping customer feedback data separate from survey data, it enables businesses to focus on actioning everyday feedback. While survey data will still provide deeper insights to a management team that the business may want.



Live Dashboard

CR Dashboard

NPS anytime

Customer Radar’s real-time customer feedback dashboard shows the Net Promoter Score for your business. NPS will measure the power and quality of “word of mouth”. It allows companies to track each customer experience as happy neutral or unhappy.

There are lots of filtering options and graphs to display trends in NPS.

I love the versatility and options on the dashboard. Everything is displayed well and I like the notifications.

Trends and Benchmarking

The dashboard will show your NPS scores across your various time periods as well as benchmark against your peers. You can see trends across the hour, day, week, month, or even years. You can filter your view, allowing you to identify those dips and peaks in NPS scores across your business.

Customer Comments, Trends, and Word Cloud

See every customer comment or use the word cloud which makes it easy to see the most frequently used words from your customers. It's a great way to quickly understand what your customers are saying. You can even filter by promoters, passives and detractors to see the most common trends with each group of customers.

This is a great forum for our customers to give honest feedback – and it gives us the opportunity to fix anything we can without being in the public eye.

As always we love the feedback, both great and not so great. It’s the unhappy customers that we get to know about that are really important, so we can in 99.9% of the cases resolve the issue and retain a customer.

Close the loop

You can choose to set alerts for any customer who has a less-than-satisfactory experience. Closing the loop on feedback is an easy way to retain more customers and manage your customer experience. The dashboard enables you to respond to and manage all of your feedback in one place so you can track the status, resolve any issues and close the loop quickly and easily.


We work with many of the most trusted partners in their categories to optimise your experience and success with Customer Radar.

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